Why does our wintering matter?

Winter(ing) Stillness. Quiet. Dormancy. Energy below ground. Nourishment from the roots. Darkness of the womb. Origin. Creativity. Cocoon. Rest. Replenish. Sleep. Dream What is wintering? How can we learn to winter? Why is wintering important?  What

Supporting our immune system through autumn

Autumn is a time of adjustment and transition for our entire body and being. As we enter autumn, the first signs of readiness for dormant times ahead become visible on the land: cooler nights draw

Why I don’t recommend fertility tracking apps

I am writing this after watching Davina Mcall’s channel 4 documentary about the pill which was very damning of fertility awareness apps and the Natural Cycles app in particular. Unfortunately, the documentary grouped all natural

Welcome to the fertility empowerment revolution

Understanding how to observe, chart and interpret our shifting signs of fertility is a foundational skill for feeling more at home in ourselves and our bodies as women and menstruators.  Cycle charting is a powerful

Ceasefire now

These are not times of peace. These are times when veils are being lifted on governance, power, inequality and colonisation. It’s a time when many extremely difficult truths are being told and a time for

Lockdown mamas

This week marks the anniversary of the 1st lockdown announcement. What was happening in your life 3 years ago? I’d just come to the end of my first 40 days of home rest & was

New Year Irresolution

Amidst the new year and its call for resolutions, it is still midwinter. And you are still enough. The land is still silent. Seeds still sit dormant. Bumblebees still sleep in the earth And all

Owning our birth story for empowered mothering 

Nothing completely prepares us for what we feel and experience during birth and beyond. Whatever our experience, one thing is true for us all: we enter the birth space one version of ourselves and emerge

Autumn equinox polypharmacy oxymel

The September new moon passed with the making of our annual autumn polypharmacy oxymel. I love the polypharmacy approach of blending multiple medicines together into one remedy. This jar captures a unique medicinal moment in

A tea ritual for mothers

Dear mothers, My offering this as an invitation, a wish and a longing that we actively cultivate a fierce connection to our heart and soul throughout our mothering journey. I offer us this ritual as a

To all this Mothering Sunday

Today and all days may the loving care you bring be seen. Today and all days may you be mothered and supported through your mothering. Today and all days may your mothering flow from a place of

Nettle iron tonic: Medicine making with children

As guardians of children (watching over, protecting and taking responsibility for ~ which, by the way in a functioning society is all of us), we have so much more influence than we think. Stephen Jenkinson’s

Land time

Having slow, unstructured, quiet time on the land is one of my favourite ways to spend time with my daughter. In fact I am very purposeful about making space for it in our week. Unstructured

You belong

These images give you a sense of the beautiful earthen work of processing root medicine from the herb garden. Dandelion root always reminds me that we all already belong. We belong to this earth ~ our

Unseen wild-cycling land patterns

There are times when wild ones arrive to the herbal apiary garden as if out of nowhere. It moves something in me ~ readjusting my place as a five fingered one amongst the wider web

Grass, scything & healthy anger

My favourite photo from my pregnancy. My name comes from the Old English for a clearing in a hay meadow. When I was a child I remember feeling disappointed with that but now as a

Yarrow is calling us back

Human body ~ soil body ~ Yarrow is calling us back. Everything at the herbal apiary garden is looking lush after the much needed rain. Holly has been helping me harvest Yarrow leaves between the

Day 26 ~ Inner autumn

Day 26.Inner autumn.When the season outside marries perfectly with my inner hormonal world, I feel at peace. Nothing to reconcile ~ a permission to simply be.As progesterone takes hormonal dominance in my body, all the

Mothering through these times

Each day a mother-centered matriarchy unfurls from within me. My daughter’s watchful gaze guarantees my commitment to slowness ~ to presence with my body ~ to my wellness as a mother. All day & all night

Blackthorn resilience

I move through these days with an awareness that something is making its mark on us. We are called upon to be altered.•Slow daily meanderings with a sleeping babe on my chest find me swaying

Lessons from seed; what is essential?

I’ve spent these past days gathering in and processing seeds from the herbal apiary. Saving seed has become a vital part of my working year on the land as I expand the garden to meet

Make your own herbal smoke

This year I’m honoured to be making these smoke sticks* for our local Mankind Project group. It’s a wonderful feeling to know these herbs will go to support the important inner work of such amazing

For all sleeping beauties

In you is an infinite web of mythical people and hidden places waiting to be awoken; kingdoms and queendoms, the webbed realms of nature – the wild, the invisible and the small. Waking up will

Lavender for the Pre-Menstrum

Each month I bleed with the full moon so right now, I’m patiently awaiting my flow. The days leading up to this monthly release can be intense. Depending how easeful life has been during my

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