Why does our wintering matter?


Stillness. Quiet. Dormancy. Energy below ground. Nourishment from the roots. Darkness of the womb. Origin. Creativity. Cocoon. Rest. Replenish. Sleep. Dream

What is wintering?

How can we learn to winter?

Why is wintering important? 

What can our wintering bring to these times?

Wintering resists the pull of busy, modern life and instead attunes to the need in our body to slow down as the land around us sleeps

Wintering is remembering that despite everything we have been taught, that we are still animal. 

That we still have a body.

It is remembering that we are an extension of the earth and we too benefit from wintering, like so many of our animal and plant kin.

Wintering is saying NO to the extra to-do’s and social demands this time can bring

It is claiming much needed time to rest, replenish and resource ourselves.

It is understanding that phases of dormancy are vital if we want to move away from cycles of depletion and towards cycles of regeneration in our health, fertility and capacity for life.

It is saying NO to the extractive culture that tries to push us beyond our limits

It sets the scene for us to receive what we truly need so we can give in more life sustaining ways.

Wintering is having the permission to say YES to slowing down, feeling more connected and being more resourced

As menstruators we hold an inner key to becoming great, wise winterers

Our fertility cycle apprentices us to wintering through the inner winter we experience each time we bleed. 

Each cycle we get an opportunity to practice being in winter and practice what supports us to stay with ourselves so we can surrender to winter. 

Through our bleed, we can learn about the many gifts and challenges winter can bring

When we hold ourselves through our inner winters, we see and experience the true gifts of winter by finding the gold waiting for us in the dark. With practice, we can then embrace the outer winter in a resourcing way.

Why does our wintering matter?

Because this is a hard time to be alive.

So much is maddening and unravelling. 

Do you feel the descent we are in?

The world needs our gifts more than ever

We need women resourced and wintering can help us get there. 

Because when the women and menstruators are resourced, we will see the change we need for our families, our communities and the earth

We're being called home to our innate cycle

Are you connecting to your inner winter?

If menstrual cycle awareness and embracing your inner winter is new or deepening for you, pre-orders of moonlog calendars and moon charts for 2025 are now available to support your journey. 

You can also join my online course, charting your fertility cycle to go deeper and learn more. When you sign up, you will also receive moonlog calendars and moon charts for each year to come alongside lifetime access to the course content:

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