We are cyclical

a group to cultivate & share menstrual wisdom

exploring menstrual cycle awareness for times of collapse, transition & renewal

Throughout 2024

& ongoing if we form a cohesive, engaged group

join the next group

Please email hello@hayleyanderson.co.uk to enquire

We must now move, speak & act with the authority of the mother

~ a message to western women from indigenous Kogi people


How our menstrual cycle can initiate & support us to create the world of our longing.

What our menstrual cycle teaches us about collapse, transition, emergence & renewal.

How our cycle helps us navigate times of change.

The messages our hormones & emotions send us through our cycle.

How our cycle can anchor us, resource us & help us cultivate the inner resilience we need to respond to the times.

let’s WELCOME each other HOME TO the innate wisdom and power of our CYCLE


TBA with the group

Babies and children welcome. Recordings available.


To share our personal process and an opportunity for daily, weekly cycle check ins. This will run from 1st-29th February and continue if we want it to.

for anyone experiencing the power of a menstrual cycle


We will start tracking our menstrual cycle together on Thursday 1st February and will meet online towards the start and the end February. 

We will each choose a personal and a collective theme to journey with for a month and throughout a complete menstrual cycle. There will be no pressure for you to share or speak publicly. I simply ask that you show up, listen, reflect and engage/interact as much as you feel called to.

The group will offer you:

~  2 recorded live group calls.

~ a month of cycle charting support, guidance & check ins.

~ somatic and ritual practices to connect to your cycle.

~ an opportunity to work with your cycle to heal and transform a personal theme and a collective theme that is important to you.

~ opportunities to speak, share & connect.

~ teachings on the initiatory pathway of the menstrual cycle.

~ discussions to explore the theme of menstrual awareness for times of collapse, transition, emergence & renewal together.


Anyone experiencing/ who has experienced the power of a menstrual cycle. Those new to cycle charting and those who want to go deeper. 

You don’t need to be experiencing a cycle right now or have a regular cycle to join.

Anyone on hormonal contraception, pregnant, postpartum, breast-feeding, peri-menopausal or menopausal.

You are welcome wherever you are on your fertility journey.


This group will be run with ‘a pay what you feel’ agreement. This enables anyone interested to join and for you to experience the group before you decide what to pay.

At the end of the experience, you’ll receive a link to pay what you feel. You’ll be asked to make a payment of whatever amount you decide based on your overall experience of being part of the group and what you received from it. This can be as little or as much as you can and want to pay. 

I am trying to do things differently and create offerings accessible to all.

my intention in gathering this group is that we emerge closer to who we are & THE GIFTS we HAVE TO OFFER this time

The times are crying out for our menstrual wisdom.

Now is our time to birth a menstrual culture that understands our fertility cycle as an initiatory pathway to health, wisdom, cultural and ecological restoration.

May it be so.

I look forward to gathering with you soon. 

With courage, 


join the NEXT group

Please email hello@hayleyanderson.co.uk to enquire

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