Tending to our health, fertility & menstrual cycle

Welcome, I'm Hayley

natural family planning educator \ Birth story listening therapist \ Sensory herbalist \ REGENERATIVE GROWER & RITUALIST

I offer a range of therapeutic and educational spaces, groups, tools and herbal products to help us hold and transform the challenges or transitions we experience relating to our health, fertility journey & menstrual cycle.

Contact: hello@hayleyanderson.co.uk

reclaiming who we are ~ remembering we are cyclical ~ knowing we are connected

1:1 sessions can take place at the herb garden, online, whilst walking or in your own home.

I offer brave, trauma aware spaces where deep transformation can emerge respectfully and at a pace that is right for you and your body.

When we stay with the trouble and move through trauma or discomfort together with reverence, we open new (often before unknowable) possibilities for you, for your life and for your family, friends and communities. 

Depending on my commitments, I am sometimes able to offer concessions. If you experience marginalisation or oppression and my work isn’t financially accessible to you, please email me and I will try to help. 

calling all who experience the power of a menstrual cycle

Join me in this fertility
empowerment revolution!

+ Charting your fertility cycle online course

Where we learn everything there is to know about our unique cycle … going at our own pace but with unlimited 1:1 support. 

This includes how to cycle chart as a form of contraception and how to increase your chance of conceiving naturally by 33%

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