Held by herbs

An in depth 1:1 12 week healing journey to unearth and treat the emotional root cause of your symptoms. 

Are you ready to see the challenges in your life differently?

Are you ready to feel a shift in your health for good?

Something has called you here. Are you ready to hear and answer that call?

Together we’ll get to the roots of what’s happening and the roots of what’s possible so you can show up fully to savour this precious life.

I’m Hayley and as your guide, I warmly welcome you here to the start of your healing journey.

This is a unique, deep-dive into your story and current state of health where we get into the roots of who you are, where you’ve been and where you are going.

We will work with your body, mind, story and soul together to create the long lasting shifts you want to see in your health and in your life.

This offering is sensory herbalism woven together with mentorship, life coaching, story work, solution focused therapy, food as medicine, menstrual cycle awareness, nervous system awareness, somatic experiencing tools, body dowsing and ritual.

We will work closely together for an intensive 12 week period and in that time, will transform the way you relate to yourself, your story, your health and your body.

I aim to meet you wherever you are on your path and help you remember the roots of who you are.

I guide you through a step by step healing process of release, reclamation, restorying and restoration.


I will support you to release what no longer serves you, dream new stories and sow fresh seeds for your health going forward ~ for who you are now becoming. I will create a holistic treatment plan that provides your body with everything it needs to heal. 

I’ll introduce you to the herbal allies that will help guide your healing. We will write the new stories you need to enable you to show up meaningfully to the life you want.

With your herbal allies by your side, by the end of this journey you will experience lasting shifts in your health and wellbeing.

Held by herbs can change your life if you experience any of the following:

~ Painful periods ~ Anxiety/ depression/ overwhelm ~ Addiction ~ Insomnia ~ Fatigue ~ IBS & digestive conditions ~ Skin & immune conditions ~ Aches & pains ~ Fertility challenges ~ Endometriosis ~ Fibroids ~ Injury ~ Cystitis ~ HPV ~ Herpes ~ Navigating peri-menopause ~ Migraines/headaches ~ Thrush ~ Relationship challenges ~ Setting or maintaining boundaries ~ Loss & difficult transitions ~ Limiting beliefs ~ Intrusive thoughts ~ Not feeling seen or heard in life or by health professionals ~ Feeling stuck, unsupported or disconnected to life, nature or community ~

Our journey together will help you:

~ get to the emotional root cause of symptoms

~ improve your lifestyle, sleep quality and diet

~ create long lasting changes in your health 

~ heal from difficult medical experiences or medical gaslighting

~ access energy and vitality in your body

~ cultivate new meaning and purpose

~ navigate changes, transitions or losses

~ understand your capacity for stress, your stress responses and how these impact your body

~ develop a range of practical tools to move through overwhelm, anxiety or depression

~ cultivate a relationship and clear line of communication to felt sensations, intuition and sensory awareness

~ work with your dreams to heal and develop a soulful connection with your deepest self

~ identify and release challenging experiences, suppressed feelings or situations that are holding you back

~ feel seen, heard and honoured through your health challenges

~ develop tools & rituals to access more pleasure, connection and joy

~ learn safe detoxing, healing and cleansing protocols

~ maintain healthy boundaries

~ build resilience, self worth, self respect and self trust

~ explore and identify your needs, desires and longings

~ explore ways for you to receive more support and care within your family and community

~ cultivate a sense of belonging to yourself, your body, in your relationships and to life

~ learn about the herbal allies that can help you, how to make remedies with them, how to work with them and what they bring to your whole being

~ feel connected to the herbs on the land around you

Are you ready to work for lasting changes in your health?

My approach

My work is based on an understanding that our bodies have an innate internal healing capacity and with the right support, will naturally move towards a state of health. I weave a brave, trauma informed container where transformation can happen safely.

I prescribe low doses of herbs alongside other healing tools to achieve profound, immediate responses. We will work in a participatory way with you in an active part on your journey towards optimum health.

We will do some deep work together to explore the emotional root causes of any symptoms, imbalances or dis-ease you’re experiencing. I will be your guide in and out of the depths we need to visit safely.

Throughout our journey, I develop a detailed, personalised treatment plan for you that addresses these 7 things I know to be vital when healing dis-ease naturally:

What will you receive?

During your healing journey you will receive:

– Three 90min 1:1 consultations in week 2, week 6, week 10.

– A 60min closing ritual in week 12. An optional invitation here to welcome someone or people in your life to witness and receive you to acknowledge the need we have for community in our healing.

– Unlimited chat messaging Q&A and support during your 12 week journey.

I use Voxer: what is Voxer? It is a messaging app that you can use either on your phone or computer which enables you to send me direct, private voice, text, photo or video messages 24/7. I’ll be active in the app during my working hours to answer your questions.

– An extensive personalised written treatment plan that gets updated throughout your journey.

– The cost of all herbs prescribed included for the duration of your 12 week journey.

– Opportunities and instruction for making your own remedies to use once your journey ends.

– Regular body dowsing as a diagnostic tool.

– 50% off all of my online courses.

– PDF of my charting your fertility cycle workbook and PDF menstrual cycle charts if required.

~ Food diary and nervous system activity trackers.

~ A bottle of dream drops tincture and a practice to connect with your dreams for insights into your healing. You’ll be asked to get a dream journal for this.

– PDF to my healing recipes cookbook (coming soon).

– PDF access to a range of holistic support guides for: reducing anxiety, microbiome and gut healing, cystitis, eczema, dreaming as a healing tool, healing tea rituals, liver detoxing, navigating peri-menopause, keeping a diet diary, thread/pin worms, rest, vaginal steaming, abdominal massage, healing detox baths, cancer resources, establishing a heart’s question, creating an altar, crafting affirmations, letting go rituals, breathing techniques for respiratory healing, yoga nidras, sacred bathing and many more.

How does it work?

Step one: Book your free 30min call with me to explore your healing journey. During our call we’ll get an idea of whether I’m the right person to support you and whether/how the held by herbs healing journey will serve you.

We’ll discuss what you’re experiencing and where you’d like to be. Whether we decide to work together or not, you’ll learn something about where you’re at from our conversation. 

Step two: If we’re both happy to embark on this journey together, I will send you terms and instructions to get started.

What can you expect from the 12 week journey?

WEEK 1: Preparing for the journey

Upon booking and payment, you’ll receive an initial consultation form to complete and then you can book in your 3 consultations in advance.

WEEK 2: Finding our ground

~ Consultation 1 with opening ceremony together to mark the beginning of your journey.

We will open our journey together, establish your goals, assess your current health, go through your entire health history to understand your story, beginning to explore potential emotional root causes.

Within 48 hours of each consultation, you’ll receive your personalised written treatment plan and herbs. 

WEEKS 3/4/5: Held & supported

Between our 1:1 consultations, you will be reading your treatment plan, actioning the recommendations and working with your herbs. You will also be checking in with me whenever you need 24/7; sending me messages with your updates/feelings that are coming up/shifts your notice/any other shares to let me know how you are doing and how its going.  

You will be asked to complete a food diary and track your nervous system activity for at least week. If necessary, you will be asked to complete a menstrual cycle chart.

You may be instructed to do a letting go ritual at some point between consultations or during consultation 2 depending on your unique story.

WEEK 6: Getting to the root

~ Consultation 2

We will go deeper to find the roots and seeds of who you are, where you are and where you’ve been.

We will check in and review progress and remedies. After having worked with your herbal allies for 6 weeks, we will be able to see the effect they are having and we will make any changes needed.

We will go into potential emotional root causes and explore patterns in your health over your lifetime. We will reviewing your diet and create food as medicine plan.

We will look at how you spend your time and what effect this has on your nervous system. I will give you nervous system tools and lifestyle tips for balancing stress. 

If required, we will look together at menstrual cycle awareness and see how it could help you.

WEEKS 7/8/9: Held & supported

Continuing to work with your herbs and treatment plan alongside 24/7 Q&A support between consultations. 

You’ll be given your dream drops and invited to begin a dreamwork practice.

WEEK 10: Restor(y)ation & the search for meaning

~ Consultation 3

We will check in and review progress in all areas of your treatment plan to date and introduce more steps for improving your diet and lifestyle. 

We will restory and remedy the emotional root causes and include ritual if needed.

WEEK 11: Reflections

Continuing to work with your herbs and treatment plan alongside 24/7 Q&A support as we prepare for your closing return ceremony.

WEEK 12: Crossing the threshold on your return ~ marking where you were and where you are now.

The final step on the healing journey where we will access where you are now, review your progress. We will discuss next steps and see whether to continue working with your herbs and recommendations.

There will be a closing ceremony to return you back to your life changed to honouring and witness you for the changes you’ve made for your life. 

I will act as your witness and there is an optional invitation here to also welcome someone from your life to witness and receive you as part of the ceremony. This acknowledges the need we have for community in our healing and defines some community care for you going forward.

This isn’t for you if:

~ you want a medical diagnosis or a quick fix

~ you’re not willing to make changes to your lifestyle, diet, patterns of behaviour or relationships

~ you’re not interested in how your physical symptoms relate to your emotional or soul life

The herbs you'll receive

On this journey, I will share my herbal magic with you and teach you how to access it for yourself.

We will work together with the herbs found naturally on our doorstep and in the herb garden rather than turning to healing plants imported from other cultures and continents. 

The herbs I will offer you as remedies are either grown in my herb garden (exceeding organic standards) or responsibly wild-gathered.

They will be administered in the form of drops/tinctures, teas or tonics as you prefer and are created uniquely for you to initiate your body’s innate healing responses.

For potency, all of my herbal remedies are lovingly hand-gathered, home-processed, stored in optimum conditions and administered from my home dispensary. The freshness and vibrancy of the herbs in my dispensary often far exceeds people’s expectations. This is partly due to the regenerative way they are grown but also how they are harvested (timed carefully with optimum solar and lunar cycles), how quickly they are dried and the careful way they are stored in small batches. 

You have the option of your 1:1 consultations at the herb garden where you’ll have the opportunity to meet and learn about the plants you’ll work with. 

It is very important that the land is in some way part of our process together so even if we work together online, I will guide you to find the herbs you need in your local area and teach you how to make your own remedies from them.

Your investment in the journey

Your 12 week healing journey is valued at £979

On your journey you’ll receive the very best treatment, care and holding from me through continual, uninterrupted access to my support, herbs, knowledge, experience and therapeutic skills.

Please get in touch to discuss payment plans. 

I structure my work in this way because I understand what it takes to truly heal.

I know the value it brings you when we are both invested and able to show up meaningfully and consistently to your healing journey.

This is how I guarantee you the best possible results and the transformation you need when it comes to seeing lasting shifts in your health.  

I look forward to hearing from you and embarking on this unique healing journey together soon.

Terms & conditions

At the time of booking your healing journey, I ask you to pay in full to confirm your booking. By paying the fee you indicate your agreement to these terms. If you have any questions about these terms & conditions please discuss them with me before paying.

~ Your healing journey lasts for 12 weeks and the exact start and end dates of your healing journey will be agreed with you before payment is made.

 ~ No refunds are given once payment is received. I provide a lot of detail upfront about what is involved. Your connection call is your opportunity to explore whether this healing journey is right for you or not. 

~ Your 3 1:1 consultations need to be booked & used within the 12 week period.

~ If you need to reschedule or cancel a 1:1 consultation, the following cancellation terms apply: consultations may be rescheduled free of charge within your 12 week healing journey however, I ask for at least 24 hours notice where possible. Rescheduling outside of your 12 week period is not possible & no refunds will be given. I will consider extending the length of the healing journey in exceptional circumstances only. Beyond the duration of your 12 week period, you can pay for additional consultations charged at £75 an hour.

~ The personal data and information you provide to me is used solely to inform our therapeutic process together and is stored securely and privately in line with GDPR legal requirements. 

~ Please also read my Privacy policy and Code of Ethics for further information

Wondering if this is for you?

Get in touch to schedule your connection call

During our call we will get an idea of whether I am the right person to support you and whether the held by herbs healing journey will serve you.

We will discuss what you are experiencing and where you would like to be. Whether we decide to work together or not, you will learn something about where you are at from our conversation. 

1:1 support in troubled times

There is nothing wrong with you because you are experiencing challenges, uncomfortable feelings or physical symptoms. You are where you are on your journey and that in itself is a miracle.

I believe you are on a healing journey and everything you experience is reflective of something far bigger than any one of us.

The healing work we embark on together holds an awareness that we live in a culture and an economic system that isn’t naturally set up for us to flourish. We are also animals living in ecosystems experiencing climate chaos and biodiversity collapse.

I consider many of the health challenges we see around us to be understandable responses to what our bodies are faced with as modern humans in troubled times. 

“It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society” [Krishnamurti]

I can’t change the way things are but I can guarantee to walk the path with you: to witness, listen and guide you towards healing with greater ease and wellness.

Tending to our individual wellbeing is a big part of the collective change we need. It is as an act of deep love, self respect and social responsibility to recognise you need this support. 

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