To all this Mothering Sunday

Today and all days may the loving care you bring be seen.
Today and all days may you be mothered and supported through your mothering.
Today and all days may your mothering flow from a place of wellness and resource.
Today and all days may the power of your mothering be felt by those who need it ~ across the whole web of life.
Today and all days may you hold your mothering in high regard.
Today and all days may we notice mothering and be grateful in its presence.
Today and all days may mothering be reinstated to it’s rightful reverent place.
These words are for all this Mothering Sunday ~ not limited to mothers of human children. I write with reverence and gratitude for anyone engaged in great acts of mothering. Thank you for being in service to a more nourishing life. Thank you for your mothering.
This day for those who protect and nurture life is a sign we have strayed far from a care-centred, life-sustaining path. Like on Earth Day, on Mothers Day, I tend a grief that the day exists.
From a wiser place, celebration and honouring of mothering is woven into everyday social structures to guarantee its presence moment to moment. A wiser place understands how mothering tends to our collective roots and is VITAL for our wellness & survival. We’ve worked hard to cultivate this in our home but as a culture we’re not there.
Have you noticed how forms of mothering (the giving of protection, nourishment, care, nurturing) are labelled as activism? It comes from a longing to acknowledge each other for the important work we’re doing. I do this in my head while mothering all the time ~ congratulating myself for offering nurturing rather than powering over my daughter or my garden or anything really – well done me, I’m creating change. And it is true, I am creating change. We know that mothering is important yet we also feel the impacts of it being low paid or unpaid so it helps to think of our efforts as activism.
Whilst mothering is change making, let’s be aware not to normalise a new baseline for the injustice at hand ~ mothering isn’t and shouldn’t be activism. It is only so because of larger failings. Remember mothering is a basic, life-sustaining need.
In love and grief today and all days x
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