Charting your menstrual cycle with the moon log

The moon log is a lunar calendar and a tool to track & reveal your unique menstrual cycle. Observe your moods, dreams, frustrations, needs & desires throughout the lunar cycle & use this moon log to record anything that feels significant. Month by month, watch for your unique connection to the phases of the moon emerge.

The moon log is your canvas – it has been purposefully left simple to leave you plenty of space for freestyle lunar scribblings. People use the moon log in unique ways – there is no right or wrong when it comes to tracking your cycle. The moon log may simply be used as a lunar calendar, as a tool to track your menstrual cycle or even use it to record your healing themes, intentions & dreamwork each lunar cycle.

The moon log is available to purchase in either colour or black and white over in the shop. You can find some ideas for using the moon log to deepen your connection with your inner world, your menstrual cycle & the moon here.

You are a being attune to the moon. May you deep dive into the darkness & rise shining with the light of the moon x

↡ Hear about my experience creating & using the moonlog below ↡

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As women in a masculine world, we have to work hard to support & invite our feminine self into healthy relationship with our masculine self; this is no easy task living within these patriarchal systems. In my experience, it requires a continual & steady dissolving of many years of conditioning that taught me to be like a man if I want to be valued or successful. We need a different way for everyone & we need it fast – this patriarchy is violating & killing our world. I feel what our world could be like if women came back to their bodies, back to their innate natural cycles & back to their power. It fills me with such a deep longing for change & I have infinite bags of hope that it IS coming. My invitation to you with this moon log is to play an empowered role in dissolving the patriarchy by getting to know your unique connection to the cycle of the moon. Using the moon log enables me to bring my feminine, cyclical nature to the forefront of my everyday life. It began as a tool to reveal how my menstrual cycle related to the moon & over time, has expanded to become central to my growing self awareness & spiritual practice. Initially I created it for myself and my close friends & now I want to share it with you. Each person finds a unique way to use their moon log to suit their style, cycle and needs. I want women to be creative in finding their way of working with it. I’ve purposefully left the moon log with plenty of space for lunar scribbling so you can use it as you need to & to record whatever is going on for you during each moon cycle. I hope you’ll join me on this lunar power revolution! Please share with anyone who might like this & follow the link in my bio to purchase a moon log & find out how to use it x #moonlog #2018lunarcalendar #moon #2018mooncalendar #lunaryear #lunar #menstruation #menstrualcycle #mooncalendar #lunarcalendar #trackyourcycle #loveyourcycle #naturalfertility #etsyseller #moonphases #feminine #handmade #patriarchy #fertility #giftsforher #knowyourbody #etsy #etsyseller #knowyourworth #selfawareness #moontime #womenempowerment #fertilityjourney #cervix #womb #womenshealth

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🌕 S y n c e d 🌕 :: This morning I’ve been looking back over my moonlog for this year & feeling freshly amazed at the regularity my bleed has with the full moon. Each month it has reliably arrived on or just after the full moon which is dictated by my ovulation aligning with the new moon. Also loving the notes I write to myself ~ “computer work a no no!” on day 28! :: Even though I’ve had this practice for years now, I’m still learning the subtle intricacies of my hormonal changes each day of my menstrual cycle. I’m continually using the feelings I track to make the changes to my life that my body needs. :: Because the thing is, women simply don’t feel the same from one day to the next & that’s completely natural & that’s completely fine. This patriarchal culture might try to make us feel like there’s something wrong with that but there isn’t. Women’s bodies live in rhythmic & cyclical ways yet we find ourselves within a linear, production, progress-led society. It means it’s not easy to protect our wellbeing ~ Infact its frickin’ hard work & requires constant awareness. :: Women, I believe this is SUCH important & radical work for us right now: to bring loving awareness back to our bodies, our cycle & our own unique rhythms amongst the external madness ~ So that we can remember how to honour ourselves & our bodies in a culture that wants us to forget.

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🥀 Farewell 2017 🥀Another complete year of moon logs, another year of tracking my menstrual cycle & exploring my inner world through the lunar phases. I’ve learnt so much this year listening to the natural rhythm of my body & emotions. Women, we really are such incredible, cyclical beings & the more we allow it, understand it & love ourselves for it, the closer we become to accepting our real selves & finding cyclical harmony in our busy modern lives. 2017 has seen me being more open & vocal about sharing my moon log practices after years of silent work. As I continue to see the benefits following this menstrual path brings my life, I’m becoming more passionate about sharing it. One of my wishes for 2018 is for more menstruating women to embrace their natural cycle ~ to celebrate the unique gifts of each season of their cycle ~ to bleed without shame or embarrassment & without making excuses for what we feel ~ to not apologise for feeling the excruciating pain & untamed joy of this world ~ I want women to understand the power each season of their cycle brings so they can show up fully & authentically everyday to bring the feminine into all areas of our lives ~ I want women to bring their gifts to the change movement our human family is crying out for. I cannot live in a linear system anymore - I want the folks that understand the changeable, cyclical nature of the human experience & our world to speak up. I need to hear from the ones that feel the most. I want them to step forward & show us the magnitude of it all & become empowered to help guide our next steps. All that from a moon log? Wowsers! ❤️ Thankyou all for seeing me & my posts here this past year, for acquiring moon logs if you have & for bravely walking this wild path of progressive change with me ❤️So here’s to 2018 ~ a year to reconnect with the real & show up fully for ourselves & this earth ❤️

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Some words of mine about the moon as a fertility tracker have been featured by @mooncalendar ... you can read them below 😊 ・・・ Repost: Women are intimately attuned with the phases of the moon & there was a time when wise-women understood & shared this knowledge. . With women now saying no to chemical & hormone birth control, this old knowledge is being remembered & we are reclaiming our natural, cyclical connection with the moon. We carry the beautiful potential each month to create life in our bodies & being inherently cyclical, we rarely feel the same today as we felt yesterday. . Each cycle, we experience an inner spring (pre-ovulation), summer (ovulation), autumn (pre-menstrual) and winter (menstruation) – sounds exhausting hey? . Each of us has a unique fertility cycle & over time we can become confident enough with tracking it that the moon phases can become our fertility guide. Fertility can be tracked naturally using the fertility awareness method (FAM), which involves taking your temperature, assessing the position of your cervix & understanding changes in your cervical mucus. As you get the hang of it, more subtle fertility indicators can come into play, like changes in your body (breasts, skin, sleep) & where your at emotionally. . Alongside the F.A.M, you can write the days of your cycle on a moon calendar as a more visual tool. As we get to know our cycle more intimately, our body becomes our internal calendar & we can start to track our fertility with the phases of the moon. Getting to know your fertility cycle is a journey of self-empowerment, of celebrating your wild feminine & claiming ownership of your body & fertility, so if you haven’t given it a try, track your cycle days on a moon calendar & see what emerges! Warm lunar wishes, Hayley X . Hayley @thewayislinedwithtrees is passionate about sharing her experience of the F.A.M. & has created a moon log as a tool for women to tune in with the subtleties of their unique body through the menstrual cycle. . 📷@corbettjulia #moon #mooncalendar2018 #fertility #fullmoon #newmoon #moonphases #trackyourcycle #fertilityawarenessmethod #womenshealth

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OMG WHERE TO START?!!!? This ad for a menstrual cup popped up on my feed & represents something that REALLY bothers me. It shows an ecstatic woman on her period dancing through a workplace (dressed like a man) because her cup has allowed her to carry on like normal throughout her period - not only that, but the ad claims that when bleeding, she has enough energy & confidence to dance through the middle of the office! This is hilarious - it’s literally the opposite of what happens hormonally for women’s bodies on their bleed. Hormonally, it’s a time of rest, introversion, slowing down & literally letting go of a part of ourselves. I urge you to be mindful of these adverts encouraging women to ignore their biology so they can be more male. I worry that the shadow of wanting equality across the board (of course we should have equal pay & equal rights) is that we become male-led ‘female-products’ of the patriarchy when it comes to our bodies by feeling a pressure to ignore our bodies & ‘carry on like an equal’ which I think has all sorts of reproductive wellbeing implications for women. There was an interview on tv recently around this that bothered me where a male journalist criticised the female director of a company for offering their female staff paid time off on their periods because it made women look weak & encouraged a culture where they are treated differently, could bunk off work & would be less employable. But when it comes to my bleed, I want to be treated differently to my male colleagues because I AM different & in that time I need rest & replenishment. I think it’s about time we were given space for the reality of our bleed in the workplace ✊🏼 In my work I MORE than make up for my bleed time off 2 weeks later when I’m ovulating & am basically a multitasking superwoman bursting with creativity! Women are just not like men biologically & I’m concerned that we’re taking this equality empowerment in the wrong direction with menstruation. Real empowerment for women would be equal pay, equal rights AND to be able to give ourselves what we need throughout our cycle for ourselves & our bodies. Real men see this as strength, not unemployable weakness ⭕

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