2025 Moon log calendar (downloadable PDF)

A beautifully designed menstrual cycle tracker to deepen your menstrual awareness and reveal your unique lunar cycles.


As someone who experiences the power of a menstrual cycle, you are intimately attuned to the moon. The moon log is a lunar calendar and a tool to track & reveal your unique lunar menstrual cycle.

Observe your moods, dreams, frustrations, needs & desires throughout the month & use this moon log to record anything that feels significant. Month by month, watch for your unique connection to the phases of the moon emerge.

This is your canvas – it has been purposefully left simple to leave you plenty of space for freestyle lunar scribbling. People use the moon log in unique ways – there is no right or wrong when it comes to the moon! It may be used simply as a calendar, some use it to track their menstrual cycle, others use it to record themes or intentions & dreamwork. One friend of mine writes poems to the full moon on the back of each month & how I use it includes all of the above and more … 

You can find some ideas for using this moon log to deepen your connection with yourself, your body & the moon here.

Here is a video to explain how to use a moon log calendar:

A little note about the moon graphics … The phases of the moon have been honoured over the numbered days of the month, so each log page begins with the new moon at the top. The start of each month is marked as ‘1’ & from there you can read each moon & each day clockwise.

May you deep dive into the darkness & rise shining with the light of the moon.

Whats included?

A PDF document including a moon log front & back cover page with 12 monthly moon log pages compiled as a yearly calendar. 

The dates, times & astrological signs for the new and full moons, with any eclipses/ supermoons are shown. 

Moon times are GMT [London].

The moon log is designed to be 21cms wide so can be printed to fit A4 paper. You can trim it into a square or keep it A4 for space to make notes.

Original price was: £16.00.Current price is: £8.00.

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