Herbal consultations

I can help with:

~ Painful periods ~ Anxiety/ depression/ overwhelm ~ Recovery from birth, pregnancy loss & abortion ~ Addiction ~ Insomnia ~ Fatigue ~ IBS & digestive conditions ~ Skin & immune conditions ~ Aches & pains ~ Fertility challenges ~ Endometriosis ~ Fibroids ~ Injury ~ Cystitis ~ HPV ~ Herpes ~ Navigating peri-menopause ~ Migraines/headaches ~ Thrush ~ Relationship challenges ~ Setting or maintaining boundaries ~ Loss & difficult transitions ~ Limiting beliefs ~ Intrusive thoughts ~ Not feeling seen or heard in life or by health professionals ~ Feeling stuck, unsupported or disconnected to life, nature or community ~

Your investment & how it works

A block of 3 hour long consultations are valued at £225. 

Committing to at least 3 hours together is the minimum to go deep enough to experience some lasting shifts in your health.

Upon booking, you will receive an extensive initial consultation form to complete and return before your first consultation so that treatment can start right away. I will use dowsing as a holistic diagnostic tool during our first consultation if you are willing. 

After your first consultation, you will receive a written treatment plan that will be updated throughout our time working together. You will have the option to purchase the herbs you need from my apothecary.

We can meet online or in person if you are local to me. We can meet at my herb garden on the Dartington Estate, in your home or we can arrange another location. We can agree the location that is right for you before you book.

The herbs you can receive

We will work together with the herbs found naturally on our doorstep and in the herb garden rather than turning to healing plants imported from other cultures and continents. 

The herbs I will offer you as remedies are either grown in my herb garden (exceeding organic standards) or responsibly wild-gathered.

They will be administered in the form of drops/tinctures, teas or tonics as you prefer and are created uniquely for you to initiate your body’s innate healing responses.

Remedies are valued between £10-30 per order. The amount you want to spend on herbs will be agreed upon before I prepare anything for you.

For potency, all of my herbal remedies are lovingly hand-gathered, home-processed, stored in optimum conditions and administered from my home dispensary. The freshness and vibrancy of the herbs in my dispensary often far exceeds people’s expectations. This is partly due to the regenerative way they are grown but also how they are harvested (timed carefully with optimum solar and lunar cycles), how quickly they are dried and the careful way they are stored in small batches. 

You have the option of your 1:1 consultations at the herb garden where you’ll have the opportunity to meet and learn about the plants you’ll work with. 

It is very important that the land is in some way part of our process together so even if we work together online, I will guide you to find the herbs you need in your local area and teach you how to make your own remedies from them.

Terms & conditions

At the time of booking your block of consultations, I ask you to pay in full to confirm your booking. By paying the fee you indicate your agreement to these terms. If you have any questions about these terms & conditions please discuss them with me before paying.

~ Your 3 consultations must be used within 6 months of payment.

 ~ No refunds are given once payment is received. I provide a lot of detail upfront about what is involved. Your connection call is your opportunity to explore whether I am the right person to support you. 

~ If you need to reschedule or cancel a consultation, the following cancellation terms apply: consultations may be rescheduled free of charge within 6 months of purchase. I ask for at least 24 hours notice where possible.

~ The personal data and information you provide to me is used solely to inform our therapeutic process together and is stored securely and privately in line with GDPR legal requirements. 

~ Please also read my Privacy policy and Code of Ethics for further information

Wondering if I can support you?

Get in touch to schedule your free connection call

During our call we’ll discuss what you are currently experiencing and where you’d like to be. Whether we decide to work together or not, you will learn something about where you are at from our conversation. 

1:1 support in troubled times

There is nothing wrong with you because you are experiencing challenges, uncomfortable feelings or physical symptoms. You are where you are on your journey and that in itself is a miracle.

I believe you are on a healing journey and everything you experience is reflective of something far bigger than any one of us.

The healing work we embark on together holds an awareness that we live in a culture and an economic system that isn’t naturally set up for us to flourish. We are also animals living in ecosystems experiencing climate chaos and biodiversity collapse.

I consider many of the health challenges we see around us to be understandable responses to what our bodies are faced with as modern humans in troubled times. 

“It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society” [Krishnamurti]

I can’t change the way things are but I can guarantee to walk the path with you: to witness, listen and guide you towards healing with greater ease and wellness.

Tending to our individual wellbeing is a big part of the collective change we need. It is as an act of deep love, self respect and social responsibility to recognise you need this support. 

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