charting your
fertility cycle

an online self study course

for all those experiencing the power of a menstrual cycle

lifetime access open now

know your cycle
know yourself

Curious about the power of your menstrual cycle?

Looking for a reliable form of contraception that protects and enhances your health?

Want the best chance of conceiving naturally? 

Join the course here

wherever you find yourself on your fertility journey

~ Master your fertility choices

~ Transform your relationships

~ embrace your cyclical nature

with 1:1 support from a certified teacher


~ how to conceive naturally

~ a reliable form of hormone and intervention free contraception

~ how to confidently identify when you are fertile, infertile and when you ovulate

~ how to track and chart your cycle using using the sympto-thermal double check method of Natural Family Planning and menstrual awareness

~ the physiology of the menstrual cycle and the male reproductive system

~ how to chart your cycle when coming off hormonal contraception, following pregnancy or birth and during peri-menopause


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WELCOME HOME TO the innate wisdom and power of your CYCLE


~ 60+ video/audio learning resources divided into over 20 easy sections to watch or listen at your own pace 

~ a 30min 1:1 online charting check-in

~ unlimited 24/7 online chat Q&A support

~ a downloadable, printable workbook with 50+ pages of learning resources, educational diagrams and reflective journal prompts

~ downloadable PDFs of a traditional linear chart, mooncharts and moonlog calendars to print

Additional course material will be added over time as questions are asked, which you’ll be able to access as it comes.


~ deeper awareness of yourself and your cycle

~ empowering your fertility choices

~ be able to confidently use Natural Family Planning to either conceive or use as a method of contraception

~ 33% more chance of conceiving naturally

~ knowing where you are hormonally to help you plan your life for menstrual and emotional wellbeing

~ feel supported and understood on your fertility journey

~ ways to involve your partner(s) to cultivate a shared responsibility for contraception

~ knowledge and confidence to speak with medical professionals about your cycle and fertility

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30min charting check-in

~ This is an opportunity to share how your charting is going and get support. We will look at your charts, see what they show and check any analysis. 

~ When you sign up for the course, you will be automatically prompted to schedule your charting check in. You will be ready to have your check-in once you have completed a full cycle of charting. If you are not currently bleeding or do not know when you will next bleed, schedule it for 6 weeks after you start charting. 

~ This session must take place within 3 months of the purchase date of the course for it to be included in the price of the course. You can reschedule this session as long as it still falls within 3 months of your course purchase date. 

Unlimited chat Q&A 

~ You will have unlimited access to ask me questions using Voxer. Voxer is a messaging app for phone or computer which enables you to send me direct, private voice, text, photo or video messages. I’ll be active in the app during my working hours to answer questions.

All details listed here will be the case for the next 6 months and then it will be reviewed beyond that.

Please read my cancellation policy in the footer for details on refunds.

a uniquely holistic and fresh approach to natural family planning

Join the course here

“Disrupting a healthy cycle with artificial hormones, never appealed to me. I googled “natural birth control”, found Hayley and NFP and it BLEW MY MIND! I have always read my biology school books cover to cover even before the school year started. I had many physiology and endocrinology courses in college and I had never heard of this as an option before. I always thought my period was just naturally late every month (33-35-day cycles). NFP has now become a passion of mine. I love that I don’t have to cancel out my fertility. I feel that it is handled with care and respect, also by my partner. It opens up a dialog around my cycle and our intimacy, which benefits us greatly.”

Samantha, 39

“A friend introduced me to Hayley and NPF. Now I couldn’t imagine not knowing what I do about my body! It has helped me realize that I don’t fit into the perfect 28-day cycles, but that I still have very regular and predictable cycles. I have been able to find insight through avoiding pregnancy, struggling with infertility, finally conceiving and walking through postpartum. The practice has given me the confidence not to let my doctor put me on hormones to “fix” my endometriosis but pursue other opinions from experienced doctors. Simply put, my life would be so different if I had not been exposed to NFP 4 years ago” 

Jordan, 28


~ an online, self paced, self study course with a workbook and video/audio content so you can learn about charting your cycle

~ an affordable way to learn with 1:1 support from an experienced certified teacher in the sympto-thermal double check method of Natural Family Planning

~ a friendly, fresh, accessible and inclusive space to learn about cycle charting and Natural Family Planning

~ lifetime access as long as the course exists. The course will evolve and be added to over time as questions are asked and feedback is given

~ a transparent, trauma informed space


~ fertility therapy, mentoring or coaching (but you are able to purchase this as an add on if you wish)

~ holistic infertility treatment (but you can contact me to enquire about my herbal practice for this)

~ a 100% effective method of contraception. In fact no method of contraception is – not even sterilisation is 100% effective

~ a support group

~ associated or affiliated with any religious group, entity or church or carrying any religious aims or values when it comes to fertility choices



At any time after purchasing the course, you can invest in the following add-on 1:1 support options at any time to enhance your learning experience.

NFP mentoring and support

This is for you if you need more support to:

~ chart your cycle

~ understand your charts

~ understand how NFP can work for your unique situation 

Your investment is £75 for an hour together online

Fertility restoration session

A unique blend of NFP support woven into solution focused therapy, story therapy processing and coaching

This is for you if:

~ you want to feel received, seen and heard on your fertility journey 

~ you want to feel more comfortable with where you are on your journey

~ you want to get clear on where you want to be and know how to get there

~ you want to feel more acceptance, self compassion and self love for where you are

~ you want to feel inspired to find creative fertility solutions unique to you 

~ you want to feel more connected to yourself and your story

~ you want to reframe and transform the beliefs and stories you are telling yourself about your fertility

Your investment is £120 for 90mins together online

Join the course here

“I was very sceptical about using NFP as a form of contraception so I sought out a teacher and found Hayley. Having her guide me through the rules and help me interpret my charts helped me gain confidence and trust the method. Hayley is such a grounded presence and a patient teacher. We used NFP for 2 years and more recently, to conceive our first pregnancy and Hayley helped us every step of the way. Learning to chart brought a deeper understanding of my natural cycle and a whole new respect for my body and my fertility.”

Louise, 35

“NFP has changed my life. I feel healthier now that I’m not on hormonal birth control. No more random headaches, yeast infections, unexplainable random sharp pains, mood swings and a low sex drive that affected my relationship. NFP has made us closer and I’m so grateful I learned about it. I’ve only been practicing it now for a few short months and it’s already done a 360 to my life. I no longer fear long or short-term side effects of hormonal birth control and I’m so glad that I came to the realisation that I really and truly do not need it.” 

Kay, 24


My menstrual cycle awareness began in my late 20s. I had no teachers instead arriving to it through a process of embracing my own cycle experiences and fertility transitions with reverence.

In 2014, I created my first lunar chart as a gift for a housemate after realising we bled together with the full moon. This evolved over the years into my practice of charting the cycle alongside lunar phases.

In 2016, I decided to use NFP as a form of contraception but found it hard to learn or find a teacher. So, in 2017I trained as a certified NFP teacher myself. Since then, I have used NFP as a form of contraception and I’ve supported many others to do the same.

In 2019, we quickly conceived our daughter using NFP. I returned to charting as contraception when signs of fertility returned quickly, just 3 months after giving birth.

As I move into mid-life and peri-menopause, I’m grateful to have cycle charting in my toolkit to support me in navigating the changes to come.

I’m honoured to share the knowledge I have learned over the years with you here and I look forward to meeting you on the course.

For the fertility empowerment revolution! With courage,


My mission is to connect more women and menstruators to their fertility cycle

One way I do this is by making Natural Family Planning more accessible for you to learn and apply to your unique situation


What is Natural Family Planning (NFP)?

Methods for planning and preventing pregnancies that are based on observing the naturally occurring signs and symptoms of the fertile and infertile phases of the menstrual cycle. To avoid pregnancy, couples using natural family planning methods abstain from intercourse during the fertile phase of the woman’s menstrual cycle. No drugs, devices, or surgical procedures are used to prevent pregnancy. When sexual intercourse occurs, it is always complete. Natural family planning methods include the Cervical Mucus or Billings Ovulation Method, Ecological Breastfeeding, the Calendar Method (or Rhythm Method), and the Sympto-Thermal Method. I teach you about all of these methods together in this course for maximum efficacy.

How does Natural Family Planning (NFP) work?

NFP teaches you about your bodies natural fertility signs throughout your menstrual cycle. The main fertility signs including your changes in your morning body temperature, changes in your cervical mucus and changes in your cervix. NFP is a method you can follow to know what to look for to determine if you are fertile or infertile on each day of your cycle. This information gets recorded on a chart everyday and analysed by you as you go. You will be taught in this course how to do it all and after 3 months will be confidentially charting your fertility cycle.

Who uses Natural Family Planning (NFP)?

Anyone experiencing a menstrual cycle can use NFP. People use it to better understand their cycle, to prevent pregnancy or achieve pregnancy as an alternative to using hormonal methods. 

Will Natural Family Planning (NFP) work?

NFP is 98-99% effective when you are guided by a certified teacher and the guidelines are following properly. This is the same efficacy as most hormonal contraceptions available. If you do not learn the theory behind the method adequately or do not follow the guidelines, NFP will not work. The efficacy of NFP, what affects this and how this compares to other methods of contraception is discussed in the course. Be aware that no method of contraception that exists is 100% effective – not even sterilisation, so there is always a very small chance of pregnancy occurring.

Can Natural Family Planning (NFP) work with irregular cycles?

Yes. You will be given all the information you need in the course to chart your cycle and make use of NFP whether your cycles are regular or irregular. 

Can I do the course if I’m on the pill?

The synthetic hormones in your pill will be interrupting the natural flow of your hormonal cycle so theres no point charting your cycle while you are on hormonal contraception. But the course will help you explore whether coming off the pill and using Natural Family Planning as a form of contraception is right for you. There is a whole section about transitioning off the pill which will tell you everything you need to know. 

I’m on the pill but would like to conceive ~ will this help me with that?

Yes, the course will support you in your transition off hormonal contraception and give you all the tools you need to chart your cycle as it returns and use charting as a way to prepare for pregnancy. I love supporting people on this journey.

Can I use an app to track my cycle?

Yes you can but I don’t recommend it and especially not if using it as contraception. When we outsource our fertility awareness to an app, we put our fertility outcomes in the hands of an algorithm programmed with a few hard and fast rules. When we start using the app, we don’t know what these rules are and what can go wrong with them. We don’t get taught how they work or how they analyse our fertility signs. When you learn NFP with me, you learn it all so the chance of making mistakes is very unlikely. I teach you the rules and guidelines to follow and I teach you the science about WHY these exist so you’re empowered to use NFP in whatever way suits you, your life and your fertility desires without needing your phone. 

How does Natural Family Planning (NFP) benefit your relationship or marriage?

NFP relies on the participation and support of your partner. The journey you both embark on to learning about your cycle and how to chart it creates a sense of awe for your body and its fertile power. Over time, practicing NFP cultivates respect, clear communication, team work and greater intimacy within a relationship.

Does it matter if I’ve done Natural Family Planning (NFP) before?

Not at all. The course covers everything you need to know in great depth so you are welcome if you just need a refresher of your knowledge. You are welcome as experienced charters or as first timers.

Does it matter if I am peri-menopausal?

Charting your cycle is a very helpful skill to have in your toolkit as you navigate the uncertainties and challenges of peri-menopause. There is a section of the course dedicated to charting through peri-menopause so you are most welcome. 

What if I have multiple sexual partners or don’t identify as female?

You are most welcome. Natural Family Planning works well with one or multiple sexual partners and this is covered within the course. I try to be as inclusive as possible throughout the course and welcome all gender identities. Please contact me if you have any suggestions or feedback for me around this ~ I’m listening and learning!

I’m looking for someone to hold my hand with this – do you offer that? 

I offer 30mins of 1:1 support and unlimited chat support included in the course. If you need more support or more emotional holding, you can purchase and book what you need as an add on to the course. I am here to help ~ feel free to reach out to talk to me about the support you need.

Do I have to provide any medical data & how is it used?

There is a short medical questionnaire for you to complete to receive the 1:1 support from me included in the course. This will ask you for your personal details, your contraceptive history, medication you are taking, date of last your last smear, dates of pregnancies/ miscarriages/ abortions, any gynaecological conditions you have. I will not need to recieve or keep copies of you charts on record. All information you provide is confidential and in line with my Privacy Policy.

I frequently drink alcohol – can I still use Natural Family Planning (NFP)? 

Frequent consumption of alcohol makes NFP tricky to use as a form of contraception because alcohol changes your body temperature and this is one of the key fertility signs used to establish fertility. Alcohol 2/3 nights a week is possible but a barrier method of contraception would be needed alongside NFP when you are fertile. 

What happens if I work night shifts or am up in the night ~ can I still use Natural Family Planning (NFP)? 

Night shift work makes NFP a little more complicated but as long as you have had at least 4 hours solid sleep, you can take your temperature for NFP. One off early/night shifts are totally fine. If the time you take you temperature each day varies a little (up to 3 hours difference) the course will teach you how to adjust the readings on your chart for NFP. When daily times vary hugely (more than 3 hours) and regularly, this can be problematic and I wouldn’t recommend NFP for this. 

I’ve just had a baby ~ can I do the course? 

Yes definitely. Charting your fertility cycle will tell you when you need to start using contraception again after brith. You will need to follow the special guidelines set out in section of the course called ‘charting after pregnancy and birth’.

I have just had a miscarriage or abortion ~ can this course help me? 

It will really help you to understand when your fertility is returning and guide you towards what you want next whether that be natural contraception or conception. You will need to follow the special guidelines set out in section of the course called ‘charting after pregnancy and birth’.

I’ve heard about people get pregnant when they don’t want to using cycle charting apps ~ what makes this course different?

Apps that chart your cycle use a standard algorithm that uses only one or two fertility indicators. For this reason I do not recommend anyone use as app to chart their cycle as a form of contraception. This course teaches you about all of your fertility indicators and how to double check them against each other yourself. The problem with apps is that they don’t teach people everything they need to know about their cycle and how to chart themselves to avoid pregnancy. Our cycle is easily impacted by many things in modern life and can be unpredictable so you need a baseline amount of knowledge before charting for contraception. The information I teach will give you an extremely high efficacy of 98-99% if you follow to course and follow the guidelines properly. The reason I offer 1:1 support as part of the course is to reduce the chance of human error as much as possible and highlight any challenges you are having early on. 

Can we use the withdrawal method alongside Natural Family Planning (NFP)? 

No. The withdrawal method is sexual intercourse in which the penis is deliberately withdrawn from the vagina so that ejaculation occurs outside the vagina. If you are looking to use NFP as a form of contraception, I never recommend using the withdrawal method. The reasons for this are covered in depth in the course.

How do I take my temperature if I wake up during the night?

The most important thing to remember for getting good temperature data is to measure when your body is at its most rested state because we want your body’s lowest resting temperature. 4 hours of consistent sleep is the minimum needed to record your lowest resting temperature.

If you wake up during the night, for instance, to breastfeed, to use the toilet or have a glass of water, and you quickly fall back asleep again, this will usually not affect your temperature. In this case, you can measure as usual at your usual waking time in the morning.

However if you stay awake for some time after waking up and struggle with getting back to sleep, it will be harder to get the temperature reading you need. 

If you regularly get up and struggle to fall back to sleep at night, it is best to take you temperature after your longest stretch of sleep.

Whenever this isn’t possible or doesn’t happen for whatever reason, you can mark your temperature as a disturbed temperature for the following morning and look for whether it fits into a pattern or not. 

Over time, you will learn to discern when to exclude a disturbed temperature reading or not. You will see that a temperature is unusually high or low for you and know that something must have been out of the ordinary that night. 

A few disturbed temperatures a month isn’t going to cause a problem for you but if it happens very regularly, then charting for contraception is difficult.

You need to measure while lying down and as soon as you wake up. Any movement (sitting up/getting out of bed), interrupted sleep, drinking water, and being awake before measuring will affect your temperature.

We can work through this together to suit your unique personal context on the course.

What about wearable devices for taking your temperature?

The Oura Ring and Apple Watch are wearable devices approved by some cycle tracking apps to collect temperature data through the night as you sleep. I don’t have experience or enough research information to be able to recommend these but understand that they do work for some people.

If you try a wearable device, just be aware that it is not the same as measuring orally with a thermometer, and temperature readings shouldn’t be compared to measurements using an oral thermometer or from multiple devices. This is because each thermometer and device is slightly different with different readings. Therefore, we should always use the same thermometer or device for taking daily temperatures and make a note of it on our chart if we start using a new thermometer or device so we can look for changes. 

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