Our birth stories matter

Birth story listening therapy tends a process already unfolding within us. It is an essential task to be held, withnessed and received on the journey through and beyond birth.

 When I refer to birth, I include miscarriage birth, abortion birth and stillbirth.

In birth story listening therapy, I offer a space for you to tell your birth story in a safe, held way. During our time together, I will guiding you to understand the stories you brought to birth and what you are taking away.

To complete birth as a journey or rite of passage, we need to tend to our birth story on our return from the experience of birth. When you feel ready to tell, feel and transform the story you are bringing from your birth experience, I am here to help.

During our session, our shared intention is for you to carry away a story with new or deeper meaning for you and your life.

Are you ready to shift how you feel about your birth story and bring new, deeper meaning to your life?

Birth by its nature changes us. Challenging or unresolved feelings following a birth related experience are normal and understandable. In a healthy birth culture, longing for a birth story to be fully heard and received is a basic human need that brings huge benefit to all. 

We live in a culture where there are so many different opinions, judgements and beliefs around birth which make it hard and even unsafe for us to talk about our experience of birth freely. I offer this work to change that.

If you’re having difficultly talking about your birth experience or carry feelings about it that are affecting the way you feel about yourself, your relationships and your ability to show up fully in your life, I can help you. If you are not able to fully celebrate and express all that you need to about your birth experience, we can find a way to do this together.

In a culture where the journey from conception, pregnancy, birth and beyond isn’t acknowledged enough, it becomes profound work to claim the birth stories that shape who we are becoming.

I see time and again the life changing self acceptance, compassion and relief that comes through the sharing and telling of birth stories in a held space. Most people require only one session to feel complete with their birth story. I am deeply moved by the difference birth story listening makes to people’s lives.  

“There’s no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.” 

Maya Angelou

During our time together, you will be supported and guided to explore the elements of your story that are important to you. Together we will come to understand why it is important. We will do this work together at a trauma informed pace for your body.

We go as far and as deep as you are ready to go.  

Is it time for your story to be heard?

This work will benefit anyone wanting to feel more at ease with their birth or birth related experience (including fathers, birth partners and birth professionals).

Sessions are held in a confidential, brave space and bring together a range of therapeutic tools: active compassionate listening, story medicine process, mentoring and solution focused therapy techniques.

I guide people through a gentle yet powerful process of sharing their birth story through talking and sometimes writing or drawing. We will pause throughout at moments of unique importance to you, allow any feelings that need to be released.

Together we will find new meanings and medicine from your story. We will arrive at a place of self compassion, celebration and acceptance for what happened to you on your journey.

May your story be heard and held in the presence of someone who will truly honour your strength, vulnerability and resilience.

Your investment & how to book

Most people require just one session to feel complete in sharing their story.

Sessions last 90mins and are valued at £120. If you identify as BIPOC or finances are a barrier for you, please email me to access a pay as you can sliding scale price of £75-120. 

We can meet online or in person in your home, in my home or at my herb garden as feels right for you. Privacy and childcare are required. 

There’s nothing you need to do to prepare; simply bring yourself and any intention or heart’s question you have around your experience of birth.

I recommend carving some time out for yourself before and afterwards to process and integrate. Bring a journal with you to make notes or reflections afterwards. I may also invite you to write or draw in your journal as part of the session.

Cancellation policy

Upon booking your session, your payment in full confirms it. By paying you indicate your agreement to these cancellation terms. If you have any questions about the policy please discuss them with me before paying for your session. If you need to reschedule or cancel the session after you have paid the following cancellation terms apply:

~ Birth story listening therapy sessions may be rescheduled free of charge or fully refunded when you give at least 48 hours notice by email.


I am a fully trained birth story listener, birth story medicine practitioner and active member of the Birth Story Medicine school where I receive ongoing mentorship, supervision and advanced training. I am fully insured to offer this work.

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