My code of ethics

I follow this code of ethics in all my work:

I first do harm to people or place

I have a duty of care to everyone I encounter

I maintain integrity at all times

Nothing is wasted

I interact & observe before action

I understand that learning & healing requires relationship

I create life sustaining exchanges & a fair share of my time, energy & resources

I offer services that accurately reflect my training, experience, skills

I actively engage in continued education and professional development

All fees are made visible & accessible on my website


In addition I follow this code of ethics in all my client/practitioner relationships:

I relate with loving presence, sensitivity, empathy and non-judgement

We are equal partners in the process of healing

I maintain confidentiality

I work with a trauma informed approach

I work through informed consent

I maintain singularly focused, platonic relationships that are free of conflicts of interest

I engage in honest, feminist marketing practices you consent to

I acknowledge systemic trauma & the cultural systems that we live in

I accept & respect client’s beliefs, values, customs, choices & coping mechanisms

I seek to serve all equally with regard of race, sex, cultural, national or ethnic origins, or political persuasions. I recognise the presence of bias & privilege & am continually learning to recognise this

I do not make medical diagnoses

I do not recommend nutritional supplements or prescribe herbs without appropriate knowledge & training

I will keep client records, take accurate notes & store treatment plans privately

Records are stored in keeping with GDPR & my privacy policy

I will explain proposed interventions/ treatments & review progress at regular intervals


Before we start working together I will:

Notify you of an estimated time of the therapeutic relationship

Make my experience & training clear & identify areas where I lack training

Explain what I can & can’t provide & be clear on what support is available to you between 1:1 sessions

Communicate my fees, how you will pay & when

Suggest other alternative treatments where appropriate

Make my cancellation policy & any financial obligation incurred visible & accessible to you


In the case of relationship rupture or dispute I will:

Make opportunities for communication & repair

Discuss the issue with all those involved (where appropriate) & contact peers to gain clarity on the issue

Own my mistakes openly & act promptly & honestly in the case of error on my part

Not blame, judge or shame

Seek advice from a neutral professional for mediation or supervision

Terminate communication & services & take further action where required if my personal safety or security is threatened

Please contact me if you have any questions

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